Reddit diablo immortal boo
Reddit diablo immortal boo

reddit diablo immortal boo

And while a good chunk of the people reading that story were in the business, many more came from Reddit. To cap off its debut month, we pulled Appmagic data that suggested it had earned $49m revenue from 10m downloads to date, and the story quickly became one of our most-read of the year. Marvel Snap has got plenty of media attention too, sure – but Blizzard and NetEase’s big-name launch had a vital extra element to it: angry dudes. In terms of pure press attention, Diablo Immortal was the biggest mobile game launch of the year, and not in a good way. It’s the end of 2022, so let’s get self-indulgent: this week we’re publishing a few personal story highlights from the first year of, and giving you a peek behind the curtain on how they came to be published.īlizzard earned $49m from Diablo Immortal’s first month, with 10m downloads to date

Reddit diablo immortal boo